Thursday, July 2, 2015

Living With Purpose

But those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.  Romans 8: 5b

I am drawn to Romans 8 because I'm looking for some guarantees and trying to answer some of life’s big questions.  One of the biggies for people of all ages is what is my purpose in life?  How can I be sure I have the life I was meant to have?  How can I make my dreams come true? Am I even worthy of dreaming such big dreams?  Romans 8 helps me gather some good insight about God and helps me answer some of life’s big questions.

1) Nothing separates me from the love of God – Romans 8: 38-39.  We throw around the word “love” all the time.  But God, our creator, conceived the concept of love.  He is interested in a deep relationship with us where we know Him intimately.  He knows everything about us.  This particular scripture is saying it is impossible to separate us from the One who has anointed us for a life of service to the Lord.

2) The Spirit of God lives in us – Romans 8: 5- 9.  This means we can have His nature if we are open to His leading.  His spirit brings life and peace.  Life and peace are connected and help us unite with God. God didn’t create us to live in bondage to fear.  Fearing that we aren’t fulfilling our purpose or failing to go for everything we want in life because of fear is the opposite of God’s will for us.

3) We are living according to the Spirit of God – Romans 8: 12-13.  Everyday, connect with the Lord in worship and prayer.  As we connect with Him, we allow Him to take the lead.  He will begin to direct our attention and we will begin to speak life and peace to others.  We will begin to live with purpose and direction from the Spirit of God.

Romans 8 helps me remember that I am permanently connected to God.  In fact, His Spirit is at work within me.  He is my teacher and is making sure my life is working toward something that glorifies Him.  If I can just keep moving with Him I will fulfill my purpose, glorify Him with my life, as well as realize my dreams.


  1. I am so excited that your family is coming to Community ISD. I will be praying that your family has a remarkable ministry here drawing our community to HIM.
